The stars are part of a logo idea I was working on today. I changed it for the logo but liked them so much I had to throw a few other elements in and post them.

The stars are part of a logo idea I was working on today. I changed it for the logo but liked them so much I had to throw a few other elements in and post them.
It's only one hour, right? But still it throws me all out of whack and bums me out to have my weekend shortened. I keep looking at the clock and being surprised at how fast the day is flying by. But I remind myself that it means lots of good things like more light in the evening when I leave work, I can start biking again, and soon there will be more green life rather than brown debris. Yep, things are looking up and if my inner clock has to groan about it for a few days who cares.. Spring is all the closer :) yippy!
I wanted to make this little reminder for myself so I don't forget to get out of my head, away from the computer, look around me and enjoy the big and small.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!