Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Illustration Friday - Theory

My take on the String Theory.

Thanks for visiting and leaving comments. I enjoy reading them :)


marie-louise said...

You have a sense of humour in your illustrations and I like it very much.

Curt Rogers said...

This is very funny! I love that it's a magazine cover! Good work!

Kstyles said...

OMG this is super cute. I love the look on the poor kitty's face. I am tagging you once again, this time it's with the Love and Peace dove, so check out my blog for the rules. (Hope you don't mind)

Nina Seven N7 said...

kelly - this is super fun! great job!

Rui Sousa said...

great work, really nice!

mushroommeadows said...

hehehe so cute! I like the kitty c-panel. :)

Anonymous said...

I like your take on the String Theory. Much easier to understand. I figured kitties must be behind it.

Your drawing is soooo adorable!

Alicia Padrón said...

Ha, Ha ... love your string theory Kelly! This is great!


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