Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
New Pillow :)

We have some old solid colored pillows that just aren't my style anymore and they were starting to look a bit tattered. I decided I wanted something bright and unique. With that in mind, I finally got up the determination to have a go at making a Log Cabin patchwork pillow cover. After a bunch of researching on the internet - so many different versions out there - I settled down with what I needed to do. I had a few mismeasurements, but I was able to make up for it by adding the final side borders. I added the velcro to keep the back closed nicely. I'm very happy with how it turned out.

Friday, December 26, 2008
The final packs
I hope everyone is having a very merry christmas and enjoying the holiday season!
I wanted to show the final card give-away packages that I sent out a couple weeks ago. The ladies should both have received their packages by now, so no ruined surprises. I had a lot of fun making the gift tags, bookmarks and packaging for this.
Also, I just finished a sewing project and can't wait to share the photos tomorrow. I tried taking pictures this evening, but the lighting is horrible. I wish I could have a full on lighted studio for taking photos - maybe some day.

Monday, December 22, 2008
Illustration Friday - Voices
This little girl could never resist the voice from her tummy asking for a big scoop of icecream.
I know I can't resist it! Yum!
Thanks for visiting and happy holidays to everyone!

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wellness Bags
Remember how much I liked my own rice therapy bag? Well I liked the idea so much that I decide these cute rice heat therapy bags would make a great gift this year. They kept me very busy last week, it was a lot of fun! They are all arriving at their new homes now. I filled them with rice, adding lavender essential oil for a soothing scent.
The little bag is an eye pillow, kept cool in the freezer (protected in a plastic bag). I filled those with flax seed, buckwheat hulls and lavender flowers. I made one for each bag.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A moment

I got a moment to draw tonight. It feels like ages since I got to do some drawing. Not that I am complaining, I have had a really good time making all my Christmas gifts this year. I really enjoyed the packaging and little details. I will share soon.

Monday, December 15, 2008
White silence

When I woke up today, I immediately noticed how bright the house was and looked out the window to see white powder everywhere. I stepped out on my porch, looking around and pausing to hear the soothing silence that only fresh snow brings. It was so quiet, so bright and sooo cold! The fresh, white world just took my breath away and made me feel nostalgic - to be a kid again on a Snow day! I love the snow, it helps me feel like it really is Christmas. I have a hard time getting into the holidays, ever since I moved to the Northwest, the winters are so mild and mostly just dreary rain. It never FEELS like Christmas to me. When I go to Idaho for Christmas and see the snow and my family, I suddenly feel like "oh, right! It is Christmas time". I guess growing up with snow during the winter has trained my holiday clock to only really go off when I see flakes falling from the sky. The white came just in time to spur me on with my holiday crafting.
I think I might have to make some hot chocolate or maybe a double shot espresso Mocha a.k.a. adult hot chocolate. Cheers to a snow day!

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Stamped + Stuffed

I got my holiday cards signed, stuffed, addressed and stamped to go out tomorrow. I really like these holiday Nutcracker stamps. This feels good to check off the To Do list.
I did a TON of sewing this weekend. But with most of my projects being holiday gifts I won't be able to show them on here for a little while. But I am going to definitely takes pictures before I send them out to share later.
I hope everyone stayed warm and enjoyed the weekend.

Friday, December 12, 2008
Busy, Busy

I got the Give-away packages out in the mail today. Phew! I wanted to make sure I got them out quickly so the ladies could actually use them this year. I will show the final card packs next week (I don't want to ruin the surprise!), so just the packaging for now. I love preparing packages for people. My favorite style of packaging is the brown paper wrapped in fun string - there is something so simple and traditional about it.
The other project keeping me busy is I am making most of my holiday gifts this year. I've said this before and it didn't happen, but I am determined this year to follow through. I also need to get my own Christmas cards printed and signed, then out in the mail on Monday. Oh and I got some baking to do too!
As a special gift to my regular readers and new folks that stumble across my little spot on the internet, I have gift tags that you can download for FREE here.
Directions: Print on cardstock > trim (even crop marks to help) > hole punch > attach string or ribbon > put on that special gift! Or you can make stickers and print them on label paper. Enjoy!
Now back to work I must go! I hope everyone is having a productive weekend or a super relaxing one. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What Fun + the Winners are:

Thanks everyone that left a comment for my first official Give-Away. I must admit I was a bit nervous, but this turned out to be quite a lot of fun for me. I'm so happy you like the cards and your feedback was really great to read and helpful. Thank you! :)
Thanks again to everyone that participated. This has been a very inspiring experience and I will definitely do another giveaway in the near future!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Holiday Give-Away!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Illustration Friday - Balloon

Not your typical birthday balloons. =)
Misc info:
This is a card I made and after joking around with a friend I drew the crazy faces on the balloons. We kept calling them Chompers - I like it!
Also, thanks for the comments on my Christmas card post and about the Giveaway. I am definitely going to do something and will be posting about it this weekend. Stay tuned!

Monday, December 1, 2008
Holiday Cards
Yaya! Here are my holiday cards for this year. I have a couple other designs I might get printed, but right now I am very happy with how these turned out.
You can get them at my Etsy shop.

I'm considering a Giveaway, but the blog has been pretty quiet the last few weeks. Would anyone be interested in something like that? *fingers crossed*