It was a perfect Sunday at my house today. I got out of bed when my body woke up (no alarm or self pressure to make me get up) and made a bowl of homemade granola and soy milk. Looked out the window at the cold, foggy morning while I ate my cereal. Popped in Election, which was sent to me because I have apparently been neglecting my Netflix queue, instead of getting the movie I REALLY wanted, Pixar's Up. I've seen Election but I haven't seen Up - grr! I figured I had to watch it again so I could get it back out in the mail Monday first thing. I tend to treat Netflix like an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet, get as much as I can for that 1 DVD out at-a-time monthly rate. But I ramble, back to my point, so I snuggled up on the couch with some knitting and easy watching. And I was actually glad to see this dark comedy again. I had forgotten quite a bit of it.
After that ended made some bean and brown rice burritos to freeze for the work week. Watched LoTR, The Two Towers and knitted some more with 3 kitties loving the blanket/lap time. Ate dinner, shared the last piece of our Thanksgiving apple pie with my sweetie and then went for a walk in the foggy night. It was a great day and evening.
I am thankful indeed!