(sorry for the copyright but a girl's got to try and protect her art, right?)
Something new to share! I had so much fun working on this illustration last week. After meeting with my boss to discuss the art direction I was set free to do what I wanted. Thankfully the client loved it. Woohoo and phew! :)
I thought I would share a bit of my process for jobs like this. I started with a few thumbnails to rough out my concept (sorry, I forgot to scan the other rough to show). My roughs are always so tiny. The image above is the thumbnail I chose to work from for the final piece, it's about 2" x 2". I always do a little research for some inspiration/education, plug in my earphones and hunch over the little square and let blossoming ideas pour out. Then a quick scan and I begin the digital drawing and coloring. Then "Ta-Da!" I got a nice illustration to be proud of.