I made it! I was a bit nervous taking on the challenge of posting every day this month, but I am so happy that I did. It was a great motivator to keep the creative juices on a deadline.
I only had a few days at the start that I felt a bit worried I wouldn't have something to post. I had a few rough spots - one night Blogger wasn't working, another I had a late start on a project and kept missing important sewing elements, but over all, it was just a great experience. I honestly think it was a good amping up for myself to post more and keep trying new things to show here on my blog.
Thank you to everyone that has visited - commenters and non-commenters - you all helped spur me on. I felt I had an audience that wanted to see what I was up to and that meant a lot. Since I'm fairly new to the blogging world and was quite intimidated when I first started. I was shy to draw attention to myself, but then concerned that no one was looking at my blog. This process really helped me put myself out there a lot more and I am so happy for that. Thank you for all your support! :)