Okay, so I am a wee bit proud of myself because I decided I am getting kitchen curtains a few weeks ago, when we went to buy some there just wasn't anything that called out to me. There was one that got me inspired to make my own (it was out of stock, of course). I don't like sewing curtains. Working with such big pieces of fabric I will almost always get some part of the hem uneven and it sticks out to me like a sore thumb. I try to remind myself to let it go and that most people aren't going to notice it like I do.
So once I had decided I was making my own, I thought about fabric and what I would want to do with it. I picked up the fabric on Thursday and got started on them late last night. It started off different, but as I was cutting fabric I changed the trim to be this more unique fabric that you see in the pictures - I love the colors and illustration - perfect for a kitchen. Before I was just going to do a red trim with white stitching.

Don't mind the ugly brown counter tops, we are in the middle of updating our kitchen. We have redone all the floors and painted. The brown counter tops will be going soon - I just got an estimate for replacing! I can't wait to get rid of it, it used to all be browns - the floor, the cabinets.. gah! And I love brown, this was just the 70's kind decor and it had to go!

It feels good to have it done!