Monday, March 31, 2008


Today was gorgeous out, after a weekend of raining, snowing, and down right cold it was a nice break. On top of that, I didn't have to come home and clean/pack or anything today - we got the pictures taken and moving forward.

But the real bonus to the day was a friend at work got back from her vacation to Japan bringing me a bag full of goodies. Before she went I told her how much I love Japanese fabrics and Shinzi Katoh Design. I gave her some money and told her to pick me up whatever she could - I am sooo happy with what she came back with. I was overly giddy and had to refrain myself a bit because she was standing right there and I didn't want to seem like a fanatical fan (think Michael Jackson's screaming fans) so I kept my cool. hehe ;)

I botched the above photo a bit and so I took a better photo of the postcards - which I plan to frame for the new house. I am so happy - it was a good day. Gah, I hope I didn't just jinx myself :)

1 comment:

Flora Chang said...

Yay!!! You must be so happy! Those are gorgeous! Doing a happy dance for you!


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