In my clutter clean up I am finding lots of illustrations on random scrap paper - I really need to stop doing that, but I don't think I ever will. I just need to find a good way to keep them all together, maybe a big clip or a clipboard devoted to hold all the pieces of paper in one place. Hmm...
Anyways, I found this sweet illustration amongst the papers that I scanned in and did the lines with my now loved Wacom tablet. I'm so glad I pushed through the awkward/frustrating phase. All the encouraging comments definitely spurred me on. Thanks! It really is a great tool to learn as an illustrator.

Perhaps you could get a photo album to keep your doodles in until you get them put into the computer. It would be a temporary place, and with the clear plastic sheet you could see them all, peruse them and pick which one you wanted to use.
Just an idea.
I love my Wacom tablet. Can't live without it. Great illustration you've got there. I love putting my illustration every where and then going through the house and finding little treasure. I know it sounds silly, but I do enjoy it.
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