Hi, I'm an over-thinking worrier. I am preparing for a trip on Wednesday. I am flying to see my family and go to my high school reunion (I'm still baffled I agreed to do go to the reunion) and am very anxious about the trip.
I've always been a homebody, every since I can remember. I would have a really hard time staying overnight at my friends houses for sleep overs. I mean, I could do the first part of the night (playing, watching movies, eating candy, building forts, etc) but when it came time to sleeping I would long for being home and in my own bed with my own stuff - and sometimes the parent would have to drive my sorry butt home in the wee hours. As an adult, I still have these tendencies. I think that is why I over pack to bring as much along with me to keep my surroundings familiar. I'm a baby, I know. But oh well, it's how I am and I make do.
I've been running around shopping for a few new things to wear, digging out correct size carry-on bags, finishing projects, mentally psyching myself up that I won't die in a burning, flying tin can falling from the sky. Right now, I'm mostly a bit freaked about packing and doing it "up to code" with all the new FSA regulations. I don't want to have to empty my bags and be stared at by other folks because I didn't realize my leg hair shaver could aid in my terrorist plan. So I started putting all my beauty "condiments" in their little 3 oz. containers and I purchased a few travel size products. These are all tucked away in a clear Ziploc as instructed. Then it will be like passing a test if it all goes smoothly once I'm at the airport. I hate being tested.
But with all those worries, I decided this weekend I was going to wrap up any projects I had and get mentally ready for my trip. Instead of worrying and running around buying new this and that, I decided to spend the day with my favorite person and see Inception, get some Mucho Gusto burritos, pick some wild blackberries by our house and dink around doing nothing much. It's been nice and much needed. I'm feeling much more mentally prepared for the trip and ALMOST looking forward to it. I might just be the Super Kelly that can fly :)
P.S. Posts will continue to be spotty until my return at the start of September. I hope everyone has a wonderful week. :)