It was another great weekend. The extra day off was a great bonus. I did have work project that I worked on over the weekend, but I was still able to get some nice outside time. The weather has been absolutely perfect here. Saturday we went for a walk...

This early turning tree stopped me in my tracks. So beautiful with the blue sky and clouds behind it.

As we continued our walk, we came across this busy little bird. He kept fluttering in an out of the branches and teasing me while I tried to catch a photo. Finally he landed and posed for me with his triumphant claim of a seed from the branches. I love his head markings.

I love taking macro shots of tree trunks. This is two trees, but it almost looks like one trunk.

I rushed up to see this pretty little red poppy (I think that's what it is) and went crazy over the dead stems with their seed pods and hairy stems. I'm going to go back for a few more to put in a vase.

A couple weekends we went around our neighborhood and picked blackberries for jam, which turned out fantastic and is so good on
Whole Grain Pancakes. This weekend the blackberries were really ripe all over the place, so we got to snack on them while we walked.

On our way we stopped by a wild growing mint plant and spotted a baby deer, who hid away right as I was done fumbling with my camera to take a shot. Figures! But you can see the little rump as it walked away.
Good stuff, I hope everyone else enjoyed their long weekend.
September here and there - it´s so different. Here it´s beginnig to be cold outside and the air is clear and fresh and I like it very much, it is my favoritemonth!
Hi Kelly! It's been a while now, but great to see some of your gorgeous creations. Congratulations on getting the Wacom! I just love mine and could not live without it now. Your photos are gorgeous and I am very envious of your lovely weather! We are coming into Spring now, so it's our turn to have some warmer weather!
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